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Customer Care

Customer Care

How to complain


We strive to give you the highest standards of products and services. We understand that things don’t always go to plan, and there may be times when we don’t live up to your expectations. If this happens, we want you to tell us. We’ll do our very best to put things right, as quickly as possible and to your satisfaction.
We hope to resolve issues as soon as we know about them. However, if you feel we haven’t achieved this, we have clear and simple procedures in place to make sure we handle your case fairly, sensitively and in line with requirements set by the Financial Conduct Authority. We will also try to make sure that we fix the root cause of problems so that we don’t make similar mistakes again.

Our complaints procedure

We will fully investigate every complaint about our financial services. Even if your complaint relates to a particular policy decision and we are not necessarily able to change things, we will explain it to you.

We want to resolve your complaint straightaway and, in the majority of cases, the first person you speak to will usually be able to resolve things for you, after which you will receive a letter confirming the resolution of your complaint. If we've not been able to do that by the end of the third business day after we've received your complaint, we'll write to you to acknowledge your complaint and tell you who is dealing with it.

We will then keep you up to date while we are investigating your complaint, until we provide you with a formal resolution letter, as part of our procedure. In most cases reaching this stage, we will be able to resolve your complaint within two weeks of receiving it.

In exceptional circumstances, particularly where your complaint is complex, it may take over eight weeks to resolve matters for you. If the complaint is about a payment service we will try our best to resolve this within 15 days. We will write to you to let you know when you may be able to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) to review your complaint.
If you’re unhappy with our final response to your complaint, you can ask the Ombudsman for an independent review.  See the section below for further details on the FOS.

Contact details for complaints

Credit Cards

Product Telephone Address for written complaints

All enquiries

08085 40 50 60*

8am–7pm, Mon–Fri
8am–5pm, Sat - Sun

Sainsbury's Bank
Customer Relations
PO Box 4952
BN11 9YW

Card Care
(All enquiries)

08085 40 50 60

8am–7pm, Mon–Fri
8am–5pm, Sat - Sun

STAMS Limited
Hersham Place
41-61 Molesey Road
Walton on Thames
KT12 4RS


You can also send us a secure message through Online Banking.


Product Telephone Address for written complaints

All enquiries

08085 40 50 60*

8am – 7pm Mon-Fri
8am – 5pm Sat-Sun

Sainsbury's Bank
Customer Relations
PO Box 4952
BN11 9YW


You can also send us a secure message through Online Banking.

Payment Protection Insurance for your Loan or Credit Card

Product Telephone Address for written complaints
All policy holders 0800 1510 293                                                        

Sainsbury’s Bank introduced customers, via Bank of Scotland, to St Andrews Insurance Group,a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank of Scotland Group, to provide payment protection for loans and credit cards.

Please contact:

Bank of Scotland
Customer Relations
PO Box 548
West Yorkshire



Product Telephone Address for written complaints
All account enquiries

08085 40 50 60*

8am-7pm, Mon-Fri
8am-5pm, Sat-Sun

Sainsbury's Bank
Customer Relations
PO Box 4952
BN11 9YW
Account enquiries:
(phoning from outside the UK)
0044 1383 847 088

8am–7pm, Mon–Fri
8am–5pm, Sat–Sun


You can also send us a secure message through Online Banking.


Product Telephone Address for written complaints

Customers who closed their mortgage before 15th August 2023

0345 600 4993

We're here Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm 

Sainsbury's Bank
Customer Relations
PO Box 4952
BN11 9YW

Customers with an open Sainsbury’s Bank mortgage from 15th August 2023 to 23rd June 2024

Ownership of your mortgage account transferred to The Co-operative Bank on 23rd June 2024

The Co-Operative Bank 08000 288 288

They are open Monday to Friday 8am – 5.30pm

Or you can visit their website at Mortgages | The Co-operative Bank



Telephone calls will be recorded for security purposes under our quality control procedures.

Automated Teller Machines (ATM's)

Stores have no access to ATMs or their contents. In the event of transaction difficulties, please contact your card issuer in line with agreements between ATM providers.


Product Telephone Address for written complaints

Car Insurance

If you took your policy out on or after 1 February 2017

0345 266 1670^
Lines are open:
9am to 5:30pm Mon-Fri,
Closed Sat-Sun.

Sainsbury's Bank Insurance
PO Box 4996
BN11 9AT

You can also email us.

When using our email address, please remember to include your full name, address, date of birth and policy number so we can manage your complaint without any delay. Please do not include any other personal information.

This email address should be used for car insurance complaints only. To keep your information safe, please don’t send us any other personal information. When using our email address please note this is just for car insurance complaints , so please refer to our FAQs if you have other queries. To help us deal with your complaint quickly, please provide us with a clear explanation of what has happened and what we can do to help you.

All other policy holders

0345 608 6034**

Sainsbury’s Car Insurance
The Observatory
Surrey RH2 0SG

Home Insurance

If you took your policy out on or after 1 February 2017 and it is underwritten by any insurer other than U K Insurance Limited

0345 266 1660^
Lines are open:
9am to 5:30pm Mon-Fri,
Closed Sat-Sun.

Sainsbury’s Bank Insurance
PO Box 4996
BN11 9AT

You can also email us.

Please remember to include your full name, address, date of birth and policy number so we can manage your complaint without any delay. Please do not include any other personal information.

This email address should be used for home insurance complaints only. To keep your information safe, please don’t send us any other personal information. When using our email address please note this is just for home insurance complaints , so please refer to our FAQs if you have other queries. To help us deal with your complaint quickly, please provide us with a clear explanation of what has happened and what we can do to help you. 

1 February 2012 and 2 March 2017 and it is underwritten by U K Insurance Limited

0800 206 1964* / 01903 636 964 Sainsbury’s Home Insurance
Customer Relations
Churchill Court
Westmoreland Road

Pet Insurance

Pet Insurance policies taken out from October 2019 or renewed since 24th February 2020. Policies start with PETSB. Underwritten by Cardif Pinnacle plc

0344 543 1032**

Sainsbury’s Pet Insurance
Pinnacle House
A1 Barnet Way

Pet Insurance policies taken out before October 2019 and not renewed since 23rd February 2020. Underwritten by Allianz Insurance plc

0330 100 7915**

Sainsbury’s Pet Insurance
Great West House (GW2)
Great West Road

Life Insurance ( including Over 50's Life Insurance Plan)

All policy holders

0370 010 40 80**

Sainsbury's Life Insurance
Complaints Department
Legal & General Assurance Society Limited
Knox Court
10 Fitazalan Place
CF24 0TL

Travel Insurance

All policy holders

0345 305 2624
Lines are open:
9am to 5pm Mon-Fri,
Closed, Sat-Sun

Hood Travel Limited
52/54 Alexandra Street

Extended Warranty

All policy holders

0330 100 3766

The Customer Care Manager
TWG Services Limited
The Aspen Building
Floor 2
Vantage Point Business Village
GL17 0AF


Travel Money

Product Telephone Address for written complaints
Travel Money 0345 355 2461**

Please raise any queries with your local bureau in the first instance. Alternatively, please contact the Travel Money Service Team on 0345 355 2461**. (Lines are open: 8am-10pm Mon-Fri, 10am-8pm Sat-Sun)

To make a complaint, please contact Travelex directly as follows:
Travelex Service Quality Team
Worldwide House
Thorpe Wood
0345 355 2461**
8am-5pm Mon-Fri

Travel Money Card

0203 788 4600**

Please raise any queries with your local bureau in the first instance. Alternatively, please contact the Travel Money Card Service Team on 0203 788 4600. (Lines are open: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (except Christmas day))

To make a complaint, please contact Mastercard Card Services directly as follows:
Mastercard Card Services
Service Quality
Access House
Cygnet Road
0203 788 4600**

*Telephone calls may be recorded for security purposes and monitored under our quality control procedures. Calls are free from a landline and from a mobile when calling from the UK.
**Calls are charged at local rates from landline and mobiles.
***Calls cost 2p per minute plus your phone company's access charge.
^Calls are charged at local rates from landlines and mobiles. We may record or monitor your call for security reasons, and to help us improve our customer service.

The Financial Ombudsman Service

We are committed to resolving your complaint to your satisfaction and hope that together we can reach an agreement. The Financial Ombudsman Service exists to help resolve complaints and disputes as an impartial adjudicator, within the existing law. The Bank has agreed to accept the awards and impartial decisions made by the Financial Ombudsman.

As mentioned in our complaints procedure, if you’re unhappy with our final response to your complaint, you can ask the Ombudsman for an independent review. The Ombudsman offers a free independent service, but before they look at your complaint, they will ask you to give us the opportunity to put things right for you.

Here's how to contact the Financial Ombudsman:

Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange Square
E14 9SR

Telephone: 0800 0234 567 or 0300 123 9 123

Complaint Volumes

Sainsbury's Bank aims to provide the best possible service to our customers. We recognise, however, that things can go wrong and when this happens we are committed to putting things right as quickly as possible. We encourage our customers to tell us if they are unhappy and we view complaints as a valuable source of feedback and as a learning opportunity.

As part of our commitment to getting things right we are pleased to be able to provide details below of the volume of complaints we report to the Financial Conduct Authority(FCA) every 6 months.

The Financial Conduct Authority publishes aggregate complaints data covering all firms.

The Financial Ombudsman Service publishes separate complaints data on the number of complaints referred to it by individual firms.

Complaints publication report

Firm name: Sainsbury's Bank
Group: Not applicable
Other firms included in this report: None
Period covered in this report: 1 March 2024 to 31 August 2024

Product service / grouping Number of complaints opened by volume of business Number of complaints opened Number of complaints closed Percentage closed within 3 days Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks Percentage upheld Main cause of complaints opened
Banking and credit cards 2.76 per 1000 accounts 3,199 3,307 49% 49% 53% General Admin / Customer Service
Home finance 13.25 per 1000 balances outstanding 28 34 29% 68% 65% General Admin / Customer Service
General insurance and pure protection 2.83 per 1000 policies in force 786 620 7% 93% 56% General Admin / Customer Service
Credit-related N/A 621 660 25% 67% 52% General Admin / Customer Service

Please also see our full glossary of terms regarding our complaints data.

After Brexit, the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Platform is no longer available

When the UK was a member of the EU, consumers in the UK had access to a service provided by the European Commission whereby individuals in the EU who purchased a product or service online and wished to make a complaint could do so online through the central ODR Platform. In the case of a complaint regarding a UK financial services firm, the complaint would be sent, via the ODR Platform, to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) for independent review. As the UK is no longer a member of the EU, this service is no longer available to consumers in the UK though if you have a financial services complaint, you may still be able to contact the FOS (see below).

We do everything we can to provide you with the service you want and expect, but we know sometimes things can go wrong. If you have a complaint, please contact us in the first instance. A copy of our complaints handling procedure is available on our website or on request. If you are unhappy with our final response to your complaint, you may be able to ask the FOS to independently review it.

You can contact the FOS 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123, write to them at The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR, or visit their website at