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Sainsbury's Bank Home Insurance

Sainsbury's Bank Home Contents Insurance

Protect your belongings against theft, damage and loss with Sainsbury’s Bank Contents Insurance.

Our contents insurance

It’s what’s on the inside that counts. When you think about how much your belongings are worth, it can really start to add up. If you were burgled or there was a fire in your home, you might struggle to replace all your things in one go unless you have contents insurance to help soften the blow.

What is contents insurance?

Home contents insurance covers your belongings if they are lost, stolen or damaged.

Contents insurance covers things like furniture, home appliances, jewellery, electronics, and clothing – generally, anything you would take with you when you move house. 

With contents insurance from Sainsbury’s Bank, we can help with the cost of fixing or replacing the contents of your home if the unexpected happens.

How does contents insurance work?

When you think about how much your belongings are worth, it can really start to add up. 

Contents insurance works by insuring the belongings inside your house against theft, damage, and loss. 

Although it can’t bring back items with sentimental value, contents insurance can help cover the cost of buying new things to replace items in situations such as:

  • Jewellery stolen in a burglary.    
  • Clothes and soft furnishings damaged in a house fire.
  • Electrical items damaged during a leak or flood.

What does contents insurance cover?

Our home contents insurance can help make sure you're not out of pocket if something happens to your worldly possessions. It insures you if your possessions are lost, stolen or damaged by things like flood, fire, theft or vandalism.

Here are just some of the things you'll get as standard when you buy cover:

  • Contents cover – up to £75,000 sum insured and up to £2,000 for a single valuable item as standard.
  • Accidental damage cover – for things like your TV or laptop when they're in your home. Plus, for an extra cost, you can add our optional enhanced Accidental Damage Cover for even more protection, like spilling paint on your new carpet.
  • Mobile phone and gadget cover – if they're stolen from your home – plus you can add extra protection with our Personal Possessions Cover for when you're out and about.
  • Jewellery cover – we'll pay up to a maximum of £25,000 for jewellery that is stolen or damaged.
  • Bike cover – if your bike is taken from your home, we'll pay up to £750 to replace it – and you can add extra protection with our Personal Possessions Cover, for an additional cost, to cover you away from your home.

Have a look in our policy document for a full list of what's covered by our buildings and contents insurance – and what's not.

Contents insurance vs buildings insurance – what’s the difference?

Contents insurance protects you financially if your possessions are stolen, lost or damaged. This includes things like furniture, appliances, tech, jewellery and clothes. 

Buildings insurance protects your physical home against unexpected damage – things like your roof, walls, foundations, ceilings and floors. 

Many homeowners choose to take out both contents insurance and buildings insurance so they’re fully protected.

Take out buildings insurance with Sainsbury’s Bank to protect the structure of your home as well as your possessions. 

Additional home insurance options and excess cover  

Now you've laid the foundations with our standard home contents insurance, for an extra cost you can build on it with our optional extras to give you, your family, and your treasured possessions even more protection.

If you’ve already paid a little extra and gone with our Home Plus cover, you’ll benefit from Home Emergency Cover and Family Legal Cover as standard.

Frequently asked questions

Is contents insurance compulsory?

No, it’s not compulsory to have contents insurance. If you have a mortgage then buildings insurance may be a requirement, but contents insurance is up to you. Many homeowners take out contents insurance to help protect their possessions from damage, theft or loss. 

Is it worth getting contents insurance?

Contents insurance can be worthwhile as it protects your possessions from damage, loss or theft. If you think about how much you’ve spent on all your furniture, appliances, tech, clothing and jewellery it will add up to a lot of money. Contents insurance helps protect you financially if anything happens to it. 

What is not covered by home contents insurance?

There are some items that aren’t covered by home contents insurance. Most policies won’t cover contents that are damaged due to wear and tear, or items that come to the end of their useful life. If you have an expensive bicycle, you might also want to insure this separately so it’s protected when you’re out of the house